Can We Defeat Poverty? Speaker Paul Ryan and Bold’s Carrie Sheffield Discuss at CPAC

Today I am excited to take the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference and interview House Speaker Paul Ryan about his ongoing work around the issue of fighting poverty. Democrats and progressives have traditionally scored higher among voters on the issues of poverty and social mobility. Unfortunately, Republicans and conservatives, with few exceptions like Jack Kemp, a mentor to Ryan, have been absent or played defense on this issue. That time is now over. We conservatives have powerful ideas to move our country forward, and it’s time we give them a chance to shine.After the 2012 election, under the guidance of Bob Woodson from the Center For Neighborhood Enterprise, Speaker Ryan made it a priority to visit impoverished communities throughout the country to discuss the important issue of poverty blighting our communities. He did these visits largely in private sans press, and his visits continue today. However, I have helped share a few select site visits with inspiring community leaders in Comeback film series created by Opportunity Lives, where I am a senior contributor.This past January, Speaker Ryan–along with Sen. Tim Scott, The Kemp Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, andOpportunity Lives–spearheaded a presidential poverty forum in Columbia, S.C. At…
See original post: Can We Defeat Poverty? Speaker Paul Ryan and Bold’s Carrie Sheffield Discuss at CPAC