The Hypocrisy of Trump on Islamic Extremism

Donald Trump has used tough language to attack Muslims. He’s painted with a broad brush, saying he would ban all Muslims from entering the United States and deport Muslim foreigners currently in the country.His proposal is logistically impossible — how would Homeland Security or the State Department even verify that someone is or is not Muslim? Are they trained theologians with a Muslim registry? As it turns out, the standard U.S. visa application form doesn’t even ask what your religion is.But beyond the technicalities of Trump’s proposal, it is also highly contradictory for the candidate to say he wants to fight radical Islam when he has said he would be a “neutral broker” in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.In the most recent debate, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) called out Trump for failing to grasp the significance of taking a stand for Israel, the sole democracy in the Middle East and a beacon of freedom, entrepreneurialism and women’s rights.“The Palestinians are not a real estate deal, Donald.” Rubio said.“A deal is a deal,” Trump responded.“A deal is not a deal when you’re dealing with terrorists,” Rubio shot back.Indeed, the Palestinians and Israelis do not approach the negotiating table on equal footing. Trump’s…
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