After Court Ruling For CNN, Scaramucci Sides With Acosta: ‘Bad Strategy’ For Trump to Fight Media

Today, a federal judge ordered the White House to reinstate CNN correspondent Jim Acosta‘s press pass, and former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci said he disagreed with the Trump administration’s decision to revoke Acosta’s credentials because it made the CNN reporter a “martyr.” “I disagree with the president on this strategy with the media,” Scaramucci said. “I would have never revoked his press pass. I would have argued against it. I’m certain that members of his staff that have strong personalities went to the president and said, ‘We should not be revoking this guy’s press pass.’”   I asked Anthony, who was replaced by former Fox News executive Bill Shine, if he thought mainstream media has shown a double standard in how it has rallied behind CNN’s Jim Acosta and former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, even though both men were accused of physically brushing off young women in the workplace. CNN sued to get Acosta his press pass back to the White House, with CNN reporting outlets like the Associated Press, Fox News, NBC News, Gannett, Politico, USA Today and the New York Times issuing statements of support to CNN. However, supporters of the president argue that case law clearly shows that…
See original post: After Court Ruling For CNN, Scaramucci Sides With Acosta: ‘Bad Strategy’ For Trump to Fight Media