Harvard Proves Bannon’s Right: Mainstream Media is Currently the Opposition Party

Though parts of Steve Bannon’s campaign arguments are unraveling as President Donald Trump’s White House becomes somewhat more mainstream, one point Bannon makes repeatedly is still abundantly clear: the mainstream media is anti-Trump. A brand new study from the Harvard University’s Shorenstein Center (where I worked closely with staff while earning a master’s in public policy there in 2010) illustrated just how off-balance the current media ecosystem is toward Trump. The Shorenstein Center’s key findings include: “Trump’s attacks on the press have been aimed at what he calls the “mainstream media.” Six of the seven U.S. outlets in our study—CBS, CNN, NBC, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post—are among those he’s attacked by name. All six portrayed Trump’s first 100 days in highly unfavorable terms (see Figure 6). CNN and NBC’s coverage was the most unrelenting—negative stories about Trump outpaced positive ones by 13-to-1 on the two networks. Trump’s coverage on CBS also exceeded the 90 percent mark. Trump’s coverage exceeded the 80 percent level in The New York Times (87 percent negative) and The Washington Post (83 percent negative). The Wall Street Journal came in below that level (70 percent negative), a difference largely attributable to…
See original post: Harvard Proves Bannon’s Right: Mainstream Media is Currently the Opposition Party