With Cruz Victory in Wisconsin, Contested Convention Seems Highly Likely

Sen. Ted Cruz posted a strong victory tonight in the Wisconsin Republican primary, denying frontrunner Donald Trump 42 delegates that would have put Trump on the path to that magic number of 1,237 delegates he needs to clinch the nomination. CNN reported tonight that current math dictates Trump would need to win with 62 percent of voters in the remaining contests to win the nomination. Thus far, Trump hasn’t been able to hit an average that is outside of the 40s, ensuring a strong likelihood that a contested Republican convention will occur this July in Cleveland.Though Trump has in recent weeks called for reconciliation and a unified party, he spent nearly a year prior engaging in divisive rhetoric that proved offensive to many groups, from women to racial minorities, to Muslims to veterans and the disabled. It appears that while his populist rhetoric and outsider appeal struck a nerve with millions of people, it was far from enough to convince a diverse enough coalition that he is electable in the general election.After riots and violence broke out at Trump campaign events across the country, women protested and Mormons voiced concerns about Trump’s respect for religious tolerance, it appears the Trump wave has crested.…
See original post: With Cruz Victory in Wisconsin, Contested Convention Seems Highly Likely