Meet One of the Republican Party’s Brightest Young Stars

Ayshia Connors has always stood out from the crowd. She’s an African-American woman from a state—Utah—whose population is one percent black. But Connors has stood out in her tenacity and drive. At just 24, Connors has already helped the Republican National Committee with African American outreach, working for Rep. Mia Love (R-Utah), Rep. Rob Woodall (R-Ga.), Sen. Tim Scott (D-S.C.). She also co-founded Young Professionals for Rand Paul. She now works as a legislative assistant with Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) and helped organize President Trump’s Presidential Inauguration Committee. “I’ve been afforded the opportunities that I enjoy in my life simply because of the hard work that I have vested in myself and my craft,” Connors told Opportunity Lives. “Unfortunately, society has come to a place where they feel the need to ask such questions when talking with black Republicans because of an ongoing stigma that states blacks aren’t supposed to be Republican.” Connors attended Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) while she was in high school, a charter school that offered a dual enrollment program. That allowed her to graduate with an associate’s degree and a high school diploma simultaneously. While in high school visiting college campuses across the country, Connors…
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