Get Bold TV Updates on the Apple News App!

We hope you’ll join Bold TV on the Apple News app! Bold TV recently joined the Apple News app and have been excited to share our content with a new universe of viewers and readers. You can access the Apple News app via the app on iPhone and iPad or via the desktop app. Apple News app is free (and is separate from Apple’s paid news service (called Apple News+), which was announced in March). Once you’ve downloaded the Apple News app, search for Bold TV. Then follow Bold TV’s channel by tapping the heart button! Within the Apple News app, Bold TV has three verticals: 1) Politics, 2) Business and 3) Lifestyle. On Apple News, peruse some of Bold’s most recent headlines and interviews with newsmakers, current headlines range from the 2020 presidential elections to financial literacy and women’ empowerment. More about Apple News from Apple: Apple News is the best of news and magazines, all in one place. Trusted sources, curated by editors and personalized for you. TRUST WHAT YOU READ. Apple News delivers Top Stories throughout the day. Editors spotlight well-sourced, fact-based stories to provide you relevant, reliable news from a wide range of publishers. DISCOVER MORE…
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