Martin Luther King, Jr., and Billy Graham had a Special Bond; Watch Graham’s Grandson Describe It

As we reflect on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., this day set aside for his honor, it’s clear that Dr. King believed racial integration was the only path forward for America to thrive. “The history of the movement reveals that Negro-white alliances have played a powerfully constructive role, especially in recent years,” Dr. King wrote in his 1967 book “Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?” the last book he published before his assassination. “While Negro initiative, courage and imagination precipitated the Birmingham and Selma confrontations and revealed the harrowing injustice of segregated life, the organized strength of Negroes alone would have been insufficient to move Congress and the administration without the weight of the aroused conscience of white America. In the period ahead, Negroes will continue to need this support  … The American Negro is not in a Congo where the Belgians will go back to Belgium after the battle is over, or in an India where the British will go back to England after independence is won. In the struggle for national independence one can talk about liberation now and integration later, but in the struggle for racial justice in a…
See original post: Martin Luther King, Jr., and Billy Graham had a Special Bond; Watch Graham’s Grandson Describe It