Donald Trump Plays His ‘Woman Card’: Ivanka Trump

This piece was originally published at Salon. Ivanka Trump is starring in a new ad for her father, imploring women to ignore their instincts and support a man whose shows a blatant disregard for women. She implores working women to support a man who insulted a breastfeeding employee, calling her “disgusting” for requesting to pump breast milk. Ivanka also tells women that her father will magically create better working conditions for women — even though the Bernie-esque policies she touts in the ad have been tried in Europe and have backfired — there are fewer European women CEOs than American ones. These sort of liberal policies — which Ivanka also spoke about at the GOP convention in Cleveland — are also why many informed conservative women have looked at the Trump campaign and decided to lean out. The golden child of the multi-bankrupted maganate also ignores the elephant in the room: how her father’s misogyny directed at her went beyond his normal creepiness into borderline incest — this is a man who hinted that he’d like to date his own daughter. Ivanka has zero credibility to try to reach mothers; smart mothers wouldn’t want their children exposed to Donald Trump’s…
See original post: Donald Trump Plays His ‘Woman Card’: Ivanka Trump