With No Coding Background, This 27-Year-Old Earned 2 Million App Downloads

A chance trip to Wal-Mart with a college roommate changed Sheena Allen’s life forever. After departing the store toting a long product receipt, Allen wanted an app that would help her keep track of her receipts and money. This was in late 2011, with fewer offerings in the App Store compared to today. “I searched the App Store and didn’t find anything close to what I wanted and decided I would create it myself,” Allen said in an interview with Opportunity Lives. “The fact that I didn’t have a technical background was never an issue for me. The art of creativity combined with the art of hustle will allow you to get it done some way or another. I designed the app and wrote out the specifications. Once I was done with that, I got a loan from my dad and hired a developer that I found online. “ After she made that first app, Allen, now 27, was hooked, and the rest is history. She grew her work from a single app with 50 downloads to six apps (and counting) with more than 2 million downloads. Her apps focus on taking the world of photo and video and adding a social component. Allen has now built out 6…
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