David French Knows He Can’t Win, But Can He Convince Romney to Run?

Bloomberg News reports the supposed mystery candidate of Bill Kristol is National Review writer David French. Yet French himself knows he can’t win.Sure French is an Iraqi War veteran and a Harvard Law graduate, but French has practically zero national name recognition, and he himself admitted last week that nobody but 2012 nominee Mitt Romney has an iota of a chance at winning the election. Last week, French urged Romney to run:Mitt Romney is the only man who combines the integrity, financial resources, name recognition, and broad public support to make a realistic independent run at the presidency. He’s conservative, he’s got an enviable record in business and government, and he’s demonstrated a unique capacity for turning around failing enterprises.Given French’s lack of governing bona fides, it would appear his best contribution to #NeverTrump this cycle would be to somehow lobby Romney to get back in the game.Photo by Gage Skidmore The post David French Knows He Can’t Win, But Can He Convince Romney to Run? appeared first on Bold.
See original post: David French Knows He Can’t Win, But Can He Convince Romney to Run?