Did These Two Young Women Just Launch the ‘Uber for Nutrition’?

Have you been trying to get back on track with your health? Well, Tovita Nutrition may be exactly what you have been searching for!Whether you are looking to shed some pounds, manage an ailment, or live a healthy and balanced lifestyle, Tovita Nutuirion co- founders, Leah Silberman and Molly Rieger, can help you achieve and maintain your goals.The two registered dietitians are redefining the way we think about a healthy lifestyle because their virtual, personalized, one-on-one support system eliminates excuses.“You bring us into the comfort of your own home, office, or wherever is most convenient for you. Traveling? Take us there too.”The support provided by Tovita Nutition extends beyond scheduled meetings. You can think of it as always having a nutrition angel on your shoulder. Beyond the personalized support that can even save you from ordering the wrong things on your next date, Tovita has an informational blog that supplements their product perfectly.Are you a fitness buff looking to finally get the scoop on which foods are best tailored for each workout? Are you curious to try that new health trend but want more information? Regardless of who you are and what your interests may be, the blog has something for all of us looking to know the truth about nutrition and health. Leah and Molly joined us on Bold Blend to discuss…
See original post: Did These Two Young Women Just Launch the ‘Uber for Nutrition’?